Online Card Design Setup

Start your online invitation or save the date

Watch the video tutorial on how to design your online card and how they work. 

Shop one of our pre-made online invitationssave the dates or rehearsal dinner invitations ;- or, start from scratch on any of those shop pages.

Online card design help and tips

Watch the video tutorial on how to design your online card and how they work. 

There a number of tools that will help guide you through the design process.

  • At the top of each page there is a "Help + Tips" drawer that slides down with some helpful information.
  • All of the design options are in the left navigation. Click and play around - change backgrounds, text, fonts, logos - everything!
  • At the bottom you can track your progress. There are only 4 steps before you can Send your Paperless!
  • SAVE SAVE SAVE!! Login or create an account and save your designs. Come back any time to edit.
An online invitation builder showing the various steps to create a blush pink floral wedding invitation

Add multiple cards or pages to your online card design

Unfortunately adding multiple cards or pages is not an option - you can only design one card. So, if you wanted to add a card for the main Ceremony / Reception, and then a card for the Rehearsal Dinner, you would have to create a separate invitation for the Rehearsal Dinner.

Typically, people send one card that goes to everyone - the card for the ceremony / reception. Then, if you have private events (Rehearsal Dinner, for example), you could send a separate invitation to just those guests.