Watch the video tutorial below on how to setup your online invitation RSVPs.
When using a Online Invitation you can only take simple RSVPs - "Will Attend" or "Will Not Attend". You cannot ask for meal preferences, dietary requirements, transportation or accommodation info, etc.
Also, if you address an email / invitaion to "John, Amy and Family" and indicate that they can RSVP for up to 4 people, the Online Card RSVPs will only allow John to RSVP via a number dropdown. So, if John selects a "3" in the dropdown (becuase one family member can't attend), you will only know that 3 out of the 4 guests will be attending. These are simple RSVPs - it will not indicate which family member is not attending.
See an example of how it works here.
If you need more information from you guests outside of a simple "Will Attend" or "Will Not Attend", consider using your Wedding Website RSVP form, which is completely customizable. Here is an example of a Wedding Website RSVP form - again, you can add events, add custom questions, ask for contact info, etc.
Please note that if you take RSVPs using an online card, track those RSVPs in the Online Card Manage + Track section of your account. If you are taking RSVPs using your Wedding Website, track those RSVPs in your Wedding Website admin.
If you are considering using your Wedding Website to take RSVPs, please test it on this sample website! Log into this site as "John Smith", and then navigate to the RSVP form. This is how Premium RSVPs can work with Login Verification. You'll notice the RSVP form auto-fills with all the guests in John Smith's household, and John needs to RSVP for each person in his family. Note, also, that anyone in John's family can log into the website and they will see the same RSVP form.
So, if you use an Online Card for your invitation, you would send that out to your guests and link directly to your Wedding Website to take RSVPs.
Watch the videos below on 1) how to setup your online invitation RSVPs, and 2) how to manage, track and eidt your RSVPs.
While in the online card builder, navigate to the Page step. This is the step where you can customize your event page and turn "on" RSVPs. Once you turn on RSVPs, you can customize (if you want) the "Will Attend" or "Will Not Attend" text with any text (or language) that you'd like.
Please note that if you take RSVPs using your online card, track those RSVPs in the Online Cards section of your account. For each online card that you send, you can "Manage + Track" that sent project in your account.
Watch the video below on how best to ask other RSVP questions of your guests.
The short answer is, no, you cannot ask your guests other quesitons using the online card RSVPs. Online RSVPs are "simple RSVPs" and only allow your guests to select if they are attending or not.
That's why we often recommend using your wedding website RSVP form instead, because it is far more customizable. Watch the video tutorial on how to set this up and "connect" your online card to your wedding website to take RSVPs.
While in the online card builder, navigate to the Recipient step. After you have added each guest to your recipient list, there is a Total Invited column on the far right. Set that number accoringly for each guest that is receiving an email.
So, for example, if "John Miller" is getting an online invitation and can RSVP for up to 2 people, make sure he has a 2 in his row for Total Invited. Then, when John goes to RSVP and he says "Will Attend", it will give him the option to select 1 or 2 people that are attending (but no more than 2, because you gave him a max number of 2).
Taking RSVPs through your Online Card: If you are taking RSVPs via your Online Card, you'll want to indicate the "Total Invited" for John and his Family. So, if John has a family of 4, increase his total invited to 4 and SAVE. When you do that, John will be able to RSVP for up to 4 people.
Taking RSVPs through your Wedding Website: If you are instead taking RSVPs via your Wedding Website, then the "Total Invited" column will not show up. Since your guests are going to be RSVPing on your Wedding Website - which is a separate product - that is managed in the Wedding Website admin. You will simply be using your Online Card to link to your Wedding Website.
Watch the video tutorial below on how to manage, track or edit your online invitation RSVPs.
Watch the video tutorial below on how to manage, track or edit your online invitation RSVPs.